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venus Edit
    റോമാക്കാരുടെ കാമസൗന്ദര്യദേവത

Venus Edit
    the second nearest planet to the sun; it is peculiar in that its rotation is slow and retrograde (in the opposite sense of the Earth and all other planets except Uranus); it is visible from Earth as an early 'morning star' or an 'evening star'
eg: before it was known that they were the same object the evening star was called Venus and the morning star was called Lucifer

Venus Edit
    goddess of love; counterpart of Greek Aphrodite

Venus Edit
    type genus of the family Veneridae: genus of edible clams with thick oval shells

    സിതന്‍, പെണ്‍ഗ്രഹം, ഹരി, ശുക്രന്‍, ഷോഡശാര്‍ച്ചിസ്സ്, ശ്വേതന്‍, ശ്വേതരഥന്‍, പെരുമീന്‍

Entries from Olam Open Database

    റോമാക്കാരുടെ കാമസൗന്ദര്യദേവത,
    റോമാക്കാരുടെ സൗന്ദര്യസ്‌നേഹദേവത,

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