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tension Edit
    പിരിമുറുക്കം, സംഘര്‍ഷം

tension Edit
    (psychology) a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense
eg: he suffered from fatigue and emotional tension

tension Edit
    the physical condition of being stretched or strained
eg: it places great tension on the leg muscles

tension Edit
    a balance between and interplay of opposing elements or tendencies (especially in art or literature)
eg: there is a tension created between narrative time and movie time

tension Edit
    a balance between and interplay of opposing elements or tendencies (especially in art or literature)
eg: there is a tension between these approaches to understanding history

tension Edit
    (physics) a stress that produces an elongation of an elastic physical body
eg: the direction of maximum tension moves asymptotically toward the direction of the shear

tension Edit
    feelings of hostility that are not manifest
eg: the diplomats' first concern was to reduce international tensions

tension Edit
    the action of stretching something tight
eg: tension holds the belt in the pulleys

Entries from Olam Open Database

    മാനസിക പിരിമുറുക്കം,
    തുന്നല്‍ യന്ത്രത്തിലെ നൂല്‍മുറുക്കി സൂത്രം,

visit http://olam.in/ for details

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പുനഃപരിശോധന ആവശ്യമുള്ള പദങ്ങള്‍ immure, brewer, വെള്ളീയം, അകൃത്യം, ഉന്മീലിത

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