മഷിത്തണ്ട് Android APP ഇപ്പോള്‍ ലഭ്യമാണ്.

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solicit Edit
    സവിനയം ചോദിക്കുക, നിവേദനം നടത്തുക

solicit Edit
    make a solicitation or entreaty for something; request urgently or persistently
eg: Henry IV solicited the Pope for a divorce. eg2: My neighbor keeps soliciting money for different charities

solicit Edit
    make amorous advances towards

solicit Edit
    approach with an offer of sexual favors
eg: he was solicited by a prostitute. eg2: The young man was caught soliciting in the park

solicit Edit
    incite, move, or persuade to some act of lawlessness or insubordination
eg: He was accused of soliciting his colleagues to destroy the documents

solicit Edit
    make a solicitation or petition for something desired
eg: She is too shy to solicit

Entries from Olam Open Database

    സവിനയം ചോദിക്കുക,
    നിവേദനം നടത്തുക,
    സംഭാവ്യോപഭോക്താവിനെ സമീപിക്കുക,
    വക്കീലായി പ്രവര്‍ത്തിക്കുക,

visit http://olam.in/ for details

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