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quaint Edit
    ആകര്‍ഷകമാംവിധം അസാധാരണമായ

quaint Edit
    strange in an interesting or pleasing way
eg: quaint dialect words

quaint Edit
    strange in an interesting or pleasing way
eg: quaint streets of New Orleans, that most foreign of American cities

quaint Edit
    very strange or unusual; odd or even incongruous in character or appearance
eg: the head terminating in the quaint duck bill which gives the animal its vernacular name

quaint Edit
    very strange or unusual; odd or even incongruous in character or appearance
eg: came forth a quaint and fearful sight

quaint Edit
    very strange or unusual; odd or even incongruous in character or appearance
eg: a quaint sense of humor

quaint Edit
    attractively old-fashioned (but not necessarily authentic)
eg: houses with quaint thatched roofs

Entries from Olam Open Database

    ആകര്‍ഷകമാംവിധം അസാധാരണമായ,

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