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    നിര്‍വഹണം, അഭിനയം, നടത്തിച്ചുകൊടുക്കല്‍
    The act of performing; of, doing something successfully; using knowledge as distinguished from, merely possessing it, A dramatic or musical entertainment

performance Edit
    a dramatic or musical entertainment
eg: they listened to ten different performances

performance Edit
    a dramatic or musical entertainment
eg: the play ran for 100 performances

performance Edit
    a dramatic or musical entertainment
eg: the frequent performances of the symphony testify to its popularity

performance Edit
    the act of presenting a play or a piece of music or other entertainment
eg: we congratulated him on his performance at the rehearsal

performance Edit
    the act of presenting a play or a piece of music or other entertainment
eg: an inspired performance of Mozart's C minor concerto

performance Edit
    the act of performing; of doing something successfully; using knowledge as distinguished from merely possessing it
eg: they criticised his performance as mayor

performance Edit
    the act of performing; of doing something successfully; using knowledge as distinguished from merely possessing it
eg: experience generally improves performance

performance Edit
    any recognized accomplishment
eg: they admired his performance under stress

performance Edit
    any recognized accomplishment
eg: when Roger Maris powered four home runs in one game his performance merits awe

performance Edit
    process or manner of functioning or operating
eg: they compared the cooking performance of each oven

performance Edit
    process or manner of functioning or operating
eg: the jet's performance conformed to high standards

    വിഹിതി, കാക്കാരിശ്ശി, അനുഷ്ഠാനം, ആട്ടക്കഥ, കാട്ടായം

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    അഭ്യാസങ്ങള്‍ കാണിക്കല്‍,

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