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occult Edit
    ഗുപ്തമായ, ഗാഢമായ

occult Edit
    hidden and difficult to see
eg: an occult fracture

occult Edit
    hidden and difficult to see
eg: occult blood in the stool

occult Edit
    having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence; beyond ordinary understanding
eg: occult lore

occult Edit
    supernatural forces and events and beings collectively

occult Edit
    supernatural practices and techniques
eg: he is a student of the occult

occult Edit
    cause an eclipse of (a celestial body) by intervention
eg: Planets and stars often are occulted by other celestial bodies

occult Edit
    become concealed or hidden from view or have its light extinguished
eg: The beam of light occults every so often

occult Edit
    hide from view
eg: The lids were occulting her eyes

Entries from Olam Open Database

    പ്രകൃത്യതീശക്തികളെ സംബന്ധിച്ച,
    അറിവിന് പുറത്തുളള,

visit http://olam.in/ for details

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പുനഃപരിശോധന ആവശ്യമുള്ള പദങ്ങള്‍ astringent, non existent, primordial, robust, അകളങ്കിത

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