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nymph Edit
    അപ്സരസ്ത്രീ, രൂപവതി, സൗന്ദര്യവതിയായ കന്യക
    a minor nature goddess, usually depicted as a beautiful maiden, A voluptuously beautiful young, woman

nymph Edit
    (classical mythology) a minor nature goddess usually depicted as a beautiful maiden
eg: the ancient Greeks believed that nymphs inhabited forests and bodies of water

nymph Edit
    a larva of an insect with incomplete metamorphosis (as the dragonfly or mayfly)

nymph Edit
    a voluptuously beautiful young woman


Entries from Olam Open Database

    സുന്ദരിയായ കന്യക,
    സൗന്ദര്യവതിയായ കന്യക,
    സ്വര്‍ഗ്ഗീയ സുന്ദരി,
    അപ്‌സര സ്‌ത്രീ,

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