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nuclear Edit
    ന്യൂക്ലിയസ്സിനെ സംബന്ധിച്ച

nuclear Edit
    (weapons) deriving destructive energy from the release of atomic energy
eg: nuclear war

nuclear Edit
    (weapons) deriving destructive energy from the release of atomic energy
eg: nuclear weapons

nuclear Edit
    of or relating to or constituting the nucleus of an atom
eg: nuclear physics

nuclear Edit
    of or relating to or constituting the nucleus of an atom
eg: nuclear fission

nuclear Edit
    of or relating to or constituting the nucleus of an atom
eg: nuclear forces

nuclear Edit
    of or relating to or constituting the nucleus of a cell
eg: nuclear membrane

nuclear Edit
    of or relating to or constituting the nucleus of a cell
eg: nuclear division

nuclear Edit
    constituting or like a nucleus
eg: annexation of the suburban fringe by the nuclear metropolis

nuclear Edit
    constituting or like a nucleus
eg: the nuclear core of the congregation

Entries from Olam Open Database

    അണുകേന്ദ്രം സംബന്ധിച്ച,
    ന്യൂക്ലിയസ്സിനെ സംബന്ധിച്ച,
    ന്യൂക്ലിയസ്‌ അടങ്ങുന്ന,

visit http://olam.in/ for details

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