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faith Edit
    വിശ്വാസം,വിശ്വാസ്യത, കര്‍ത്തവ്യ പാലനം

faith Edit
    a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny
eg: he lost his faith but not his morality

faith Edit
    complete confidence in a person or plan etc
eg: he cherished the faith of a good woman

faith Edit
    an institution to express belief in a divine power
eg: a member of his own faith contradicted him

faith Edit
    loyalty or allegiance to a cause or a person
eg: keep the faith

faith Edit
    loyalty or allegiance to a cause or a person
eg: they broke faith with their investors

    എക്കീന്‍, ഇത്തിബാര്‍, സങ്കല്പം

Entries from Olam Open Database

    അടിയുറച്ച വിശ്വാസം,

visit http://olam.in/ for details

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