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belong Edit
    സ്വന്തമായിരിക്കുക, ഉടമയാകുക, സംബന്ധിച്ചതാകുക

belong Edit
    be owned by; be in the possession of
eg: This book belongs to me

belong Edit
    be suitable or acceptable
eg: This student somehow doesn't belong

belong Edit
    be in the right place or situation
eg: Where do these books belong?

belong Edit
    be in the right place or situation
eg: Let's put health care where it belongs--under the control of the government

belong Edit
    be rightly classified in a class or category
eg: The whales belong among the mammals

belong Edit
    be a member, adherent, inhabitant, etc. (of a group, organization, or place)
eg: They belong to the same political party

belong Edit
    be a part or adjunct
eg: the uniform looks like it belonged to a museum collection

belong Edit
    be a part or adjunct
eg: These pages don't belong

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