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acre Edit
    A unit of area (4840 square yards) used in English-speaking, countries

acre Edit
    a unit of area (4840 square yards) used in English-speaking countries

Acre Edit
    a territory of western Brazil bordering on Bolivia and Peru

Acre Edit
    a town and port in northwestern Israel in the eastern Mediterranean

Entries from Olam Open Database

    43560 ചതുരശ്ര അടി ഭൂമി അളവ്‌,
    ചതുരശ്ര അടിയുളള ഭൂമി അളവ്,
    4840 ചതുരശ്രഗജം അടങ്ങിയ ഭൂമിയളവ്‌,

visit http://olam.in/ for details

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