മഷിത്തണ്ട് Android APP ഇപ്പോള്‍ ലഭ്യമാണ്.

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warn Edit
    താക്കീതുനല്‍കുക, മുന്നറിവുകൊടുക്കുക

warn Edit
    notify of danger, potential harm, or risk
eg: The director warned him that he might be fired

warn Edit
    notify of danger, potential harm, or risk
eg: The doctor warned me about the dangers of smoking

warn Edit
    admonish or counsel in terms of someone's behavior
eg: I warned him not to go too far

warn Edit
    admonish or counsel in terms of someone's behavior
eg: I warn you against false assumptions

warn Edit
    admonish or counsel in terms of someone's behavior
eg: She warned him to be quiet

warn Edit
    ask to go away
eg: The old man warned the children off his property

warn Edit
    notify, usually in advance
eg: I warned you that I would ask some difficult questions

Entries from Olam Open Database

    അപകട സൂചന നല്‍കുക,
    താക്കീതു നല്‍കുക,
    താക്കീതു ചെയ്യുക,
    താക്കീത്‌ നല്‍കുക,
    സൂക്ഷിക്കാന്‍ പറയുക,

visit http://olam.in/ for details

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