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street Edit
    A thoroughfare (usually including pavements) that is, lined with buildings

street Edit
    a thoroughfare (usually including sidewalks) that is lined with buildings
eg: they walked the streets of the small town

street Edit
    a thoroughfare (usually including sidewalks) that is lined with buildings
eg: he lives on Nassau Street

street Edit
    the part of a thoroughfare between the sidewalks; the part of the thoroughfare on which vehicles travel
eg: be careful crossing the street

street Edit
    the streets of a city viewed as a depressed environment in which there is poverty and crime and prostitution and dereliction
eg: she tried to keep her children off the street

street Edit
    a situation offering opportunities
eg: he worked both sides of the street

street Edit
    a situation offering opportunities
eg: cooperation is a two-way street

street Edit
    people living or working on the same street
eg: the whole street protested the absence of street lights

    ഗലി, നിരത്ത്, തെരു, തെരുവ്, തെരുവീഥി, വാട്ടം, ശ്രേണി

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