മഷിത്തണ്ട് Android APP ഇപ്പോള്‍ ലഭ്യമാണ്.

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splice Edit
    പിരിച്ചുകൂട്ടുക, ഇഴചേര്‍ത്തു പിരിക്കുക

splice Edit
    join the ends of
eg: splice film

splice Edit
    perform a marriage ceremony
eg: The couple got spliced on Hawaii

splice Edit
    join together so as to form new genetic combinations
eg: splice genes

splice Edit
    join by interweaving strands
eg: Splice the wires

splice Edit
    a junction where two things (as paper or film or magnetic tape) have been joined together
eg: the break was due to an imperfect splice

splice Edit
    joint made by overlapping two ends and joining them together

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പുനഃപരിശോധന ആവശ്യമുള്ള പദങ്ങള്‍ psyche, അര്‍ജ്ജുനകന്‍, ആവാസവൃക്ഷം, പ്രക്രീഡ, ബദരക്ഷണം

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