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security Edit
    സുരക്ഷിതത്വം, ഭദ്രത, ജാമ്യം
    The state of being free from danger or, injury, A guarantee that an obligation will be met

security Edit
    the state of being free from danger or injury
eg: we support the armed services in the name of national security

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    defense against financial failure; financial independence
eg: his pension gave him security in his old age

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    freedom from anxiety or fear
eg: the watch dog gave her a feeling of security

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    a formal declaration that documents a fact of relevance to finance and investment; the holder has a right to receive interest or dividends
eg: he held several valuable securities

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    property that your creditor can claim in case you default on your obligation
eg: bankers are reluctant to lend without good security

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    a department responsible for the security of the institution's property and workers
eg: the head of security was a former policeman

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    a guarantee that an obligation will be met

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    an electrical device that sets off an alarm when someone tries to break in

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    measures taken as a precaution against theft or espionage or sabotage etc.
eg: military security has been stepped up since the recent uprising

    യുതാനം, പാരിഭാവ്യം, അലാവത്ത്, ഈടം, പായണ്ടി, അച്ചാരം

Entries from Olam Open Database

    ഉറപ്പ്സുരക്ഷപ്രദാനം ചെയ്യുന്ന,

visit http://olam.in/ for details

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