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pounder Edit
    അരയ്ക്കുന്നവന്‍, പൊടിക്കുന്നവന്‍

pounder Edit
    (used only in combination) something weighing a given number of pounds
eg: the fisherman caught a 10-pounder

pounder Edit
    (used only in combination) something weighing a given number of pounds
eg: their linemen are all 300-pounders

pounder Edit
    a heavy tool of stone or iron (usually with a flat base and a handle) that is used to grind and mix material (as grain or drugs or pigments) against a slab of stone

Entries from Olam Open Database

    നിശ്ചിതതൂക്കം ഉള്ള ആള്‍ അഥവാ സാധനം,

visit http://olam.in/ for details

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