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fahrenheit Edit
    ഫാരന്‍ഹൈറ്റ് എന്ന ഉഷ്ണമാപിനി

Fahrenheit Edit
    German physicist who invented the mercury thermometer and developed the scale of temperature that bears his name (1686-1736)

Fahrenheit Edit
    of or relating to a temperature scale proposed by the inventor of the mercury thermometer
eg: water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit under normal conditions

Entries from Olam Open Database

    ഫാരന്‍ഹൈറ്റ്‌ എന്ന ഉഷ്‌ണമാപിനി,
    അതിലെ താപമാപനിക്രമം,

visit http://olam.in/ for details

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