മഷിത്തണ്ട് Android APP ഇപ്പോള്‍ ലഭ്യമാണ്.

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exclude Edit
    ഒഴിവാക്കുക, പുറംതള്ളുക

exclude Edit
    prevent from being included or considered or accepted
eg: The bad results were excluded from the report

exclude Edit
    prevent from entering; shut out
eg: This policy excludes people who have a criminal record from entering the country

exclude Edit
    lack or fail to include
eg: The cost for the trip excludes food and beverages

exclude Edit
    prevent from entering; keep out

exclude Edit
    put out or expel from a place
eg: The unruly student was excluded from the game

Entries from Olam Open Database

    പുറം തള്ളുക,

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പുനഃപരിശോധന ആവശ്യമുള്ള പദങ്ങള്‍ ecstatically, propensity, അഗ്നിവര്‍ദ്ധക, മൊഴിമാത്, അപൂര്‍വ്വരൂപം

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