form two groups for crossword administration, approval etc
  • jojujohncjojujohnc January 2011 +1 -1

    vikas, pozhan... you are set to go. re-assign a few to your team members. verify a couple of crossword by yourself.
    note: Do not assign crossword to it's own creator/compiler.
    note2: give me feedback. I will improve the user interface for you.
    (like adding more info in a specific page etc)

  • vikasvenattuvikasvenattu January 2011 +1 -1

    നവവത്സരാശംസകൾ :)

    @വിവേക്, സഞ്ചു

    രണ്ടു വീതം പദപ്രശ്നങ്ങൾ നിങ്ങളിരുവർക്കും നൽകിയിട്ടുണ്ട്. പരിശോധനകൾക്കു ശേഷം അൺ‌ലോക്ക് ചെയ്യുമല്ലോ. :)

  • jojujohncjojujohnc January 2011 +1 -1

    vikas, do not approve any crosswords immediately. I will crosscheck the setting initially for a few.

    chat is not enabled for approvers. (it is broken, may be). I will restore it.

  • jaymrojaymro January 2011 +1 -1

    Hi all,
    Happy new year..!
    Dear Anish, Mujeeb,
    Two crosswords each been assigned for you for verification.
    Please go through admin's comments on first page once again before start- ie.
    "JojuJohnc December 2010 Permalink
    work flow: a Brief idea."

  • vivek_rvvivek_rv January 2011 +1 -1

    Hi All,

    I am unable to see any thing new while logging in to ഇനി ഇവിടെയല്ലേ നോക്കേണ്ടത്? എന്തെങ്കിലും ഞാന്‍ മിസ്സാക്കിയോ? പദ പ്രശനം verify ചെയ്യാന്‍ എന്ത് ചെയ്യണം? ആകെ confusion ആയല്ലോ? ഒന്ന് സഹായിക്കണേ .........

    (ഇല്ലില്ല ... ഇന്നലെ പുതു വര്‍ഷ പാര്‍ട്ടി ഒന്നും ഇല്ലായിരുന്നു. അതിന്റെ കുഴപ്പമല്ല)

    എവിടെയോ ഒരു mis communication .... Please help ...

  • vivek_rvvivek_rv January 2011 +1 -1

    കിട്ടി കിട്ടി .... (എന്താണെന്നറിയില്ല .. ഇത് ഞാന്‍ മുന്പ് നോക്കിയപ്പോള്‍ കണ്ടില്ല.
    ഒരു മൂന്നു നാല് കൊല്ലം മുന്‍പത്തെ പാര്‍ട്ടിയുടെ hang over ആയിരിക്കും. അല്ലാതെ ഒന്നും എനിക്ക് തോന്നുന്നില്ല. നിങ്ങള്ക്ക് ആര്‍ക്കെങ്കിലും വല്ലതും തോന്നുണ്ടെങ്കില്‍ മിണ്ടണ്ട. അത് കേള്‍ക്കാനുള്ള ശക്തി എനിക്കില്ല) )

    അപ്പോള്‍ എല്ലാം പറഞ്ഞ പോലെ ....

  • aneeshmelananeeshmelan January 2011 +1 -1

    ഒരു പദ പ്രശ്നം ചെക്ക്‌ ചെയ്യാന്‍ എത്ര ദിവസം എടുക്കാം?(മാക്സിമം)

    ചോദ്യവും ഉത്തരവും തമ്മില്‍ ഒരു ലിങ്ക് കൊടുത്താല്‍ ചെക്ക്‌ ചെയ്യാന്‍ എളുപ്പം ഉണ്ടാവും(ചോദ്യത്തില്‍ ക്ലിക്കിയാല്‍ ആന്‍സര്‍ ഹൈ ലൈറ്റ് ആവുന്ന പരിപാടി).ഇത് ആന്‍സര്‍ നോക്കാന്‍ താഴെ നോക്കണം.

    ഗ്രൂപ്പിലെ മെംബെഴ്സിനു അപ്പ്രൂവര്‍ ആയി ചാറ്റ് ചെയ്യാന്‍ ഉള്ള ഓപ്ഷന്‍ കൂടി തന്നാല്‍ സൗകര്യം ഉണ്ടാവും എന്ന് തോന്നുന്നു.

    "Activate" ബട്ടന്‍ തന്നെ ആണോ "Approve ready" സ്റ്റാറ്റസ് ?

  • vivek_rvvivek_rv January 2011 +1 -1

    ഇതിന്റെ പ്രിന്റ്‌ എടുക്കാന്‍ വല്ല വഴിയുമുണ്ടോ? (approve ആകുന്നതിനു മുന്പ്)

    '"Activate" ബട്ടന്‍ തന്നെ ആണോ "Approve ready" സ്റ്റാറ്റസ്?" ഈ സംശയം എനിക്കുമുണ്ട്.

    Rule "നെടുകെയോ കുറുകെയോ അടുപ്പിച്ച് മൂന്ന് കറുത്ത കളങ്ങള്‍ വരരുത്" . എല്ലാ പദ പ്രശ്നത്തിനും ബാധകമല്ലേ?

  • vivek_rvvivek_rv January 2011 +1 -1

    CW/2010/SET-0215 ഒന്ന് നോക്കി അത് ഈ നിയമം ലംഘിക്കുന്നില്ലേ എന്ന് നോക്കാമോ ജോജു?

  • jojujohncjojujohnc January 2011 +1 -1

    ?ഒരു പദ പ്രശ്നം ചെക്ക്‌ ചെയ്യാന്‍ എത്ര ദിവസം എടുക്കാം?(മാക്സിമം)
    = you may decide.
    better not longer than 3 days. you may ask owner to assign someone else, if you are busy.

    ?ചോദ്യവും ഉത്തരവും തമ്മില്‍ ഒരു ലിങ്ക് കൊടുത്താല്‍ ചെക്ക്‌ ചെയ്യാന്‍ എളുപ്പം ഉണ്ടാവും(ചോദ്യത്തില്‍ ക്ലിക്കിയാല്‍ ആന്‍സര്‍ ഹൈ ലൈറ്റ് ആവുന്ന പരിപാടി).ഇത് ആന്‍സര്‍ നോക്കാന്‍ താഴെ നോക്കണം.
    =A good suggestion. I will try to add this feature. but not immediate.

    ?ഗ്രൂപ്പിലെ മെംബെഴ്സിനു അപ്പ്രൂവര്‍ ആയി ചാറ്റ് ചെയ്യാന്‍ ഉള്ള ഓപ്ഷന്‍ കൂടി തന്നാല്‍ സൗകര്യം ഉണ്ടാവും എന്ന് തോന്നുന്നു.
    = you may use chat option for the crossword. The crossword creator may also participate your discussion. needn't hide anything from him/her. be open.

    ?"Activate" ബട്ടന്‍ തന്നെ ആണോ "Approve ready" സ്റ്റാറ്റസ് ?
    = NO. It will schedule the game for playing.
    better allow Owner to use Activate and Bounce button.
    You may use DateEdit button to set the status like
    "initial ready", "fragments found", "vikas/jayakumar, please double confirm" .
    and press save button.

    Also Use "chat" anytime. it is visible to creator, to owner, to admin and to you

    ?ഇതിന്റെ പ്രിന്റ്‌ എടുക്കാന്‍ വല്ല വഴിയുമുണ്ടോ? (approve ആകുന്നതിനു മുന്പ്)
    = it is there. but I need to check how :-(

    ?Rule "നെടുകെയോ കുറുകെയോ അടുപ്പിച്ച് മൂന്ന് കറുത്ത കളങ്ങള്‍ വരരുത്" . എല്ലാ പദ പ്രശ്നത്തിനും ബാധകമല്ലേ?
    = Yes. it is a basic rule.

    ?I hope I could have a final check after my approvers' verification(before activation. I would like to.) Isn't it be possible?
    = not in parallel. both owner and approver can't verify it simultaneously. it may overwrite your change. assign the crossword by yourself and verify the crossword.
    and if you are okay, change the approver back to original and unlock and approve.

    ?What/why is the 'Play Test' button?
    = just before approving the crossword, you may try playing the crossword.
    This feature was introduced after mbi first competition(laptop). (8th set was delayed because of some strange character). SO make sure you press "Play Test" button and verify that it is loading fully and showing the score board properly (say till score 4)

  • jojujohncjojujohnc January 2011 +1 -1

    CW/2010/SET-0215 is okay. only two dark cell in a row/column.
    you may add one more connection to fill the gap.

    X represent a dark cell. it is okay.

    is also okay

  • mujinedmujined January 2011 +1 -1

    Dear all
    തിരക്കില്‍ആയിരുന്നു ഇപ്പോള്‍ മാത്രമാണ് അങ്കം കുറിച്ചത് അറിയാന്‍കഴിഞ്ഞത്
    ഒരുഗ്രൂപ്പില്‍ പ്പെട്ടവരുടെ പദപ്രശ്നംതന്നെ വെരിഫൈ ചെയ്യാമോ?

  • jojujohncjojujohnc January 2011 +1 -1


  • jojujohncjojujohnc January 2011 +1 -1

    chat is enabled for group members. please test/use it

  • aneeshmelananeeshmelan January 2011 +1 -1

    how to test/use chat? is it here in this forum or its in CW?

  • sanjupsanjup January 2011 +1 -1

    അയ്യോ എല്ലാരും വഞ്ചി തുഴഞ്ഞ് പോയോ??ആളു കയറാനുണ്ടേ...
    ന്യൂ ഇയര്‍ തുടങ്ങിയതു തന്നെ ഓവര്‍ലോഡ് ജോലിയുമായാ..ഈ വര്‍ഷം മൊത്തം ഇങ്ങനെ ആവുമോ എന്തോ?
    എന്തെങ്കിലും എഡിറ്റിങ് സൂചനകളിലോ ഉത്തരങ്ങളിലോ നടത്തുകയാണെങ്കില്‍,അത് ക്രിയേറ്ററെ കൂടി അറിയിക്കേണ്ടതുണ്ടോ?ഉണ്ടെങ്കില്‍ എങ്ങിനെ?

  • jojujohncjojujohnc January 2011 +1 -1

    C for Creator
    A for Approver
    O for Owner

    => C can't edit the crossword after he submit the crossword to you.
    A or O should bounce the crossword for allowing the creator to edit it.
    after editing, creator should again publish-my-answers. then only you can see it again.
    While bouncing, add a note in the chat section, and specify a time limit to re-submit back. (usually 3 days)

    => owner/approver can edit any clue / answer without C's permission.
    but add the changes in chat section.(it will help both of you to track)
    (however if it is a minor change, do not bother to inform the C.

    => CHAT button is available near the crossword id in your panal.
    For C, it is in their Create History as "Offline Chat"

    => you may create a dummy crossword, so that you can chat with the owner of the group privately. but avoid such a situation.

    => to take the printout, go to "Play Test", and take a print out.
    but it would print the answers/table.

    => ask your clarification here. avoid emails. it will help all to clear their doubts.

  • jojujohncjojujohnc January 2011 +1 -1

    while you edit other's crossword.

    1. use "Delete and Edit" button.
    2. specify the starting cell if necessary
    3. change the question and clue
    4. click "save question" (it will not save the question into database)
    5. continue editing other questions.
    6. finally click on "Sort" button . it re-arranges the clue list.
    7. And click Save-My-answers (it saves the changes to database)

    1.after clicking 4 "Save questions", system will automatically save your changes to database.
    2. after clinking the sort button, check for duplicate clues.
    if any, use "Delete" button to delete the clue.
    3. if you want to undo the changes, just refresh the page.

  • vikasvenattuvikasvenattu January 2011 +1 -1

    Good Morning!


    Please add the year 2011 to start date and last date (In DateEdit option).

  • mujinedmujined January 2011 +1 -1

    dear joju
    എനിക്ക് കിട്ടിയതില്‍ ഒന്നില്‍ അറിയാതെ bounce ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്തുപോയി list ല്‍ നിന്നും remove ആയി തിരിച്ചുകിട്ടാന്‍ എന്തുചെയ്യും ?

  • jojujohncjojujohnc January 2011 +1 -1

    vikas, Last Date is corrected.
    mujined, you may click "chat" link of any other crossword in your list. and change the cw_id in the URL and Add your comment there. Ask C to re-publish.

  • jojujohncjojujohnc January 2011 +1 -1


    we have to start the crossword by Jan 10.

    I am choosing the following style for crossword id

    CW/2011/NLLL-1001 for Group NILA
    CW/2011/NNNN-1001 for Group NALINI

    For next Event , the counter will be 2001.
    is it okay?

    Players should be able to easily identify the group from the crossword ID itself.
    That is my aim. You may suggest a four letter word for your group.

    I will add a new blog for announcing your group and events.

  • vikasvenattuvikasvenattu January 2011 +1 -1

    @vivek, sanju,

    I can now see the crosswords which were assigned to you. Any corrections required in those CWs?

  • jojujohncjojujohnc January 2011 +1 -1

    Owner can see all group crosswords through "Owner Panel"
    "Your Group" will display the crosswords assign to you.

    Approver can request Owner to verify through "status" (available in DateEdit).

  • sanjupsanjup January 2011 +1 -1

    @Vikas,i just started to verify these 2 CWs.Will i get 2 more days ?

  • vivek_rvvivek_rv January 2011 +1 -1

    Vikas, they need modifications/corrections and I am on the job.

  • vivek_rvvivek_rv January 2011 +1 -1

    Hi Vikas, one is verified and because of some modifications it is sent back to creator for his/her suggestions. I will be looking in to the other tonight/tmrw

  • jaymrojaymro January 2011 +1 -1

    Dear Admin,
    When we open this forum the first page is appearing by default.
    Why can't it be changed as the latest page (as in Crossword comments' page)?

  • jaymrojaymro January 2011 +1 -1

    I bounced a CW (CW/2011/SET-0078) hoping to post a 'chat' next. But it just disappeared. Then I realized it would have been done first.
    If possible please send the following message to the creator.
    " The CW is too short.(size-8X8).
    Linking is not perfect.
    Please modify it into a size not less than 11X11 with proper linking.
    Re-submit it within 3 days."

    Earlier I've sent a message in its chat section for your opinion. Will the creator receive another message if I post it by clicking that chat's 'reply' button?

  • vivek_rvvivek_rv January 2011 +1 -1

    Hi Vikas / Joju,

    One crossword is ready for approval. I chaged the status "approve Ready" in "dateEedit". Please check the same and do the needful.

    Also can any of the other members can test it using the test play if required or double confirmation

  • sanjupsanjup January 2011 +1 -1

    If its alowed,am ready to check that crossword,which vivek already checked.and at the same time i also verified one crossword,its also ready for approval.But i didnt put the status approve ready,i just changed the status as initial ok.Can vivek check it again?Double confirmation is gud na?

  • jojujohncjojujohnc January 2011 +1 -1

    vikas, swap the approvers

  • jojujohncjojujohnc January 2011 +1 -1

    Jaymro, only we know about this forum now. we may delete this discussion after documenting

  • vikasvenattuvikasvenattu January 2011 +1 -1

    @ All,

    Good Morning :)

    @ Sanju

    CW/2010/SET-0181 is assigned to you.

    Do you remember the set you have verified?

  • vivek_rvvivek_rv January 2011 +1 -1

    I have verified both of them assigned to me i.e CW/2010/SET-0203 and CW/2010/SET-0215 and changed status to "approve ready" Please take care of them.

  • vivek_rvvivek_rv January 2011 +1 -1

    Joju, can we add a new question number to a cross word? I mean, for creating a new link, I want to add a new question. If I add, it will take the number which is available. (i.e. if that CW has 50 questions, it will take the next available number 51). But I want to change this and hence the sequence of questions should be changed. Currently it is not possible I assume. Eg. If I want a new question to be introduced (say 6) I have to delete all the questions from 7 onwards. This is very tedious and any way to avoid this?

  • vikasvenattuvikasvenattu January 2011 +1 -1

    Vivek & Sanju

    Thank you!

    CW/2010/SET-0203 and CW/2010/SET-0215 are verified by Vivek. These are assigned to Sanju for cross-verification. CW/2010/SET-0181 and CW/2010/SET-0207 are verified by Sanju. These are assigned to Vivek for cross-verification. No need of doing exhaustive checking. In the meanwhile, I will verify some of the other crosswords in the dashboard.

  • jojujohncjojujohnc January 2011 +1 -1

    vivek, add new question as 51(max+1), and click on "Sort" button. it will rearrange all questions.

  • jojujohncjojujohnc January 2011 +1 -1

    as vikas said, no need of tripple checking. double checking is okay. ie, approver and owner is enough.

    can you change the crossword id , like CW/2011/NLLL-1001,...
    (after all AnswerEdit works)

  • sanjupsanjup January 2011 +1 -1


    I checked CW/2010/SET-0203 ,I've made some changes in answer spliting like (2,5) (1,1,5) etc. & just edited one question also.

  • jojujohncjojujohnc January 2011 +1 -1

    compilers of CW/2011/SET-0147, CW/2010/SET-0175 had left the competition. do not expect a reply from them

  • vikasvenattuvikasvenattu January 2011 +1 -1

    @ Joju,

    5 crosswords are ready. I've changed the crossword ID CW/2010/NLLL-1001...1005. End date can not be set for these crosswords since the year 2011 is not available for editing. Please check if the dates/time are OK. Also, please check your e-mail for a query regarding NLLL-1005.

  • mujinedmujined January 2011 +1 -1

    joju and jayakumar,
    I checked CW/2010/SET-0175 and made some changes.
    ക്രിയറ്ററോടു കുറച്ചു റഫറന്‍സ് ചോദിച്ചിട്ട് തന്നിട്ടില്ല അതിന്റെ ആവശ്യമുണ്ടോ?

  • jojujohncjojujohnc January 2011 +1 -1

    mujined, looks like he left the competition. so you/group-owner may decide.
    vikas, I will correct the last date by sunday.

    How many crosswords in first event ? 5 or 10? (last date would be Feb 28)

    Jayakumar, How many crosswords for your event? when is your crossword starts.
    (what about Jan 20 and end by March 30?)

    We will announce it through the cw-discuss blog. send me the confirmed details.
    may be you can draft the content of the blog, if you wish.

  • vikasvenattuvikasvenattu January 2011 +1 -1

    @ Joju,

    We decided to go with 5 in SAMASYA, and 10 in PRAYANAM, right? Do you want me to increase the numbers?

  • jojujohncjojujohnc January 2011 +1 -1

    "will consider for next competition " ...if you see such a status in a crossword, consider it first.

  • jojujohncjojujohnc January 2011 +1 -1

    vikas, if you have enough crossword, please use 10

  • vikasvenattuvikasvenattu January 2011 +1 -1

    @ Joju,

    One more crossword from Preethy is selected for SAMASYA (NLLL-1006). So there are two crosswords from Preethy in this event. Shall we include CW/2011/SET-0147 which was compiled by Rajesjvijay who has left the crossword?

    I've rejected NLLL-1005 so that the compiler can check the errors that I've mentioned in the e-mail. I have rejected another crossword compiled by Aparna asking her to change the size of the crossword to 11 x 11. If we get these two in quick time, we can include them in SAMASYA. Apart from these, I've assigned two new crosswords (1 each) to Vivek and Sanju. If we get all these approved, we can have a 10 crossword competition with SAMASYA. Else we need more crosswords.

    All the other crosswords in my dashboard are either having multiple segments or having smaller size than required.

    CW/2011/SET-0143 - Assigned to Vivek (new)
    CW/2010/SET-0202 - Assigned to Sanju (new)

  • jojujohncjojujohnc January 2011 +1 -1

    Two crosswords from same compiler should not allowed in one (short) event.
    reject the multiple segmented crosswords and ask them to connect it well.
    include CW/2011/SET-0147.
    include all crosswords which is marked as "Will consider for next competition"

  • jojujohncjojujohnc January 2011 +1 -1

    consider small size crossword if it is connected well and knowledgeable.


ചര്‍ച്ചയില്‍ പങ്കെടുക്കാന്‍ താഴെ കാണുന്ന ഒരു ബട്ടണ്‍ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക. പദപ്രശ്നത്തിനു ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്ന പാസ്‌വേഡ് ഇവിടെയും ഉപയോഗിക്കാം. ( അതു പ്രവര്‍ത്തിക്കുന്നില്ലേ? )

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